School Policies
Important Notices
Minneapolis Public Schools and Bryn Mawr are required to notify parents of mandatory Environmental Health & Safety notification documents. These include: MN Parent RTK Notice, Radio Frequency Notice, Lead in Water Testing Notice and Radon testing notice. The referenced documents, including language translations, are also available on the district website at the following link: EH&S Notification Documents (
Notices from MPS General Counsel can be found below.
- Attendance Policy
- Attendance Rules and Procedures
- Bullying and Hazing Prohibition
- "Cell Phone" notices Student Personal Electronic Device Policy 5210
- Parent Notice - Alcohol and Tobacco (ATOD)
- Criminal Background Check Notice to Parents
- Behavior Standards and Code of Conduct
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Pesticide-Herbicide Application Schedule
- Parent Right-to-Know Act
- Radio Frequency, Radon Testing, Lead in Water, and Asbestos Notices
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Harassment and Violence Prohibition Policy 4002?
- Internet & Email Use - Parent Notice
- McKinney Vento Rights
- Media and Yearbook Release
- Searches of Students, Lockers, Desks, etc. Policy
- Special Education Records Notice
- Testing: Statewide Testing Notice and Opt Out Form for Parents
- Wellness Policy Notice