Media Center
Welcome Letter from the Library
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students of Bryn Mawr,
Welcome to book checkout at Bryn Mawr. This letter contains information about our district library system, as well as information on what to do when a book is overdue or lost.
Your school library media center uses a web-based catalog and circulation system called Follett Destiny that allows you to search for books, videos, websites, and many other items in your school’s library collection any time, anywhere that students have internet access.
The Destiny library catalog can be accessed at
Follett Destiny also tracks all the materials students have checked out at any school in the district. Textbooks and library books from previous years that have not been returned will continue to appear under the student’s name. Please help your student locate and return overdue/missing items to the library media center. Materials from other schools can also be returned to your current site and will be forwarded to the school they belong to.
The goal of MPS school libraries is to provide high interest, high quality reading materials to all students for both school and home use. In order to maintain an abundant supply of library books, all library patrons must be responsible for their use and return. While MPS does not issue overdue fees, we do rely on families as partners to help manage library accounts and pay for lost items so that they can be replaced.
If a student has lost items, families should contact the school library media specialist to pay the replacement cost or discuss options for restitution if the fee would create a financial burden. Parents and guardians may also contact the library media specialist or homeroom teacher to request that school library books be kept at school if sending items home is likely to result in additional loss or damage.
If you have questions or need to pay for lost or damaged materials, please email Ms. Thomson in the library media center.
In partnership,
Heather Thomson, Library Media Specialist
Kevin Oldenburg, Principal
Student Technology Handbook
Universal Access to Technology: Student Device Handbook
iPads and Chromebooks are the property of Minneapolis Public Schools. MPS provides students with iPads and Chromebooks to support learning and to create equitable access to technology. Students must read the Student Device Handbook and sign the attached MPS Technology Use Pledge.
Student Technology Handbook and Technology Use Pledge (last page)